Computational Aerospace Laboratory
YouTube Channel (Visualizations)
2024-09-23 - Ivan Bermejo-Moreno is elected Associate Fellow of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA), in the Class of 2025.
2023-08-17 - CyberTraining - FOstering Computational EXcellence (FOCEX). Addressing the disconnect between advanced cyberinfrastructure and educational preparedness.
2024-02-29 - "No Art: Art Show", an exhibition curated by Jelena Berenc combining art and science at The President's Gallery, Harold Washington College, City College of Chicago, to showcase a flow visualization from the Computational Aerospace Laboratory.
web page
2023-11-03 - Speeding into a new era of hypersonic flight.
2023-08-30 - Bermejo-Moreno receives NASA Early Career Faculty (ECF) Award.
2023-05-04 - Students from Washington Elementary STEM Magnet School of Pasadena visit AME.
2022-04-04 - 8 USC Viterbi Faculty Receive NSF CAREER Awards.
2021-11-19 - New tracking method in high-powered jet engines paves the way for optimal combustion.
2021-11-17 - The Art of Mixing: Shapeshifting and Shockwaves.
2021-06-25 - Vanessa Rubien (PhD student) among ten USC Viterbi students awarded the WiSE Aerospace Corporation Research Fellowship.
2021-01-05 - Innovative and Novel Computational Impact on Theory and Experiment (INCITE) award (DOE) renewal to investigate high-speed shocks over non-adiabatic and flexible walls in collaboration with the University of Maryland (Prof. Johan Larsson).
2020-10-05 - CARC and Researchers Benefit from Reciprocal Partnerships.
2020-08-18 - Sustainability project funded at USC with participation from the Computational Aerospace Lab.
2020-08-04 - Scramjets, shockwaves, and fuel mixing (Popular Mechanics).
2020-07-31 - news on shock-induced mixing JFM publication.
2020-07-13 - USC News on shock-induced mixing JFM publication.
2019-12-11 - USC News on INCITE award to investigate impact of flexible walls on shock-turbulent boundary layer interactions in collaboration with the University of Maryland (Prof. Johan Larsson).
(2020 INCITE Fact sheets).
2019-08-28 - USC News on SURE undergraduate program (Marshall Basson and William Jo's stay at the Computational Aerospace Lab).
2019-04-03 - USC News on participation of members of the Computational Aerospace Lab in the Center for Turbulence Research Summer Program 2018, at Stanford University.
2019-03-20 - Hypersonic: The Future of Aviation.